Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I think our SCLP is more or less done. This is the URL you guys can take a look and give feedbacks. http://2nd-tortoiseandhare.pbwiki.com

Throughout the whole process, especially after the meeting with Prof Tan, I started to realise that a good SCLP is not about how sophiscated your SCLP is, it is more of how it can help the students to learn on their own.

In our SCLP, I believe its the video that drawn by ourselves and recorded by us using Audacity captures most people's eyes. However, I believe its the scaffolding questions and the rubrics in other parts of the wikipage that can help the students to learn on their own.

Besides, we also realise its very difficult to design a good rubrics cause we have to determine what students' levels of proficiency. This is really a big headache, cause without real life experiences, it is really hard to know what are the current level of our kids nowadays.

By the way, for those who are having headache on designing a good rubrics. This is a good resource site http://www.rubrics4teachers.com/. cause it provides some examples.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


Well, this reflection is from a Chinese talk show I just watched from TVBS. Anyway, there is a "well known"(cause I did not know who he is before the show) management consultant. He talked about the difference in the western offices and asian office and 1 of his sentences really hit me. "the hierarchy in Asian is too strong, everyone just sits in the office and waits to be told what to do"

Isn't that what we are used to since we were young? His words highlighted the probelm we have in our education system and at the same time explain the reason why SCL is introduced, hoping to develop thinking individual who are able to take initiative and responsibility.

It is because SCL allows the students to have the chance to decide what they want to learn and when to learn, so they will be able to learn to take responsibilty and use their own creativity. Therefore, I need to go back to think and my my SCLP to be something that allows the students to take charge in their learning and provide the students to have the chance to develop their thinking and creative skills.