Friday, February 08, 2008

Week 5 - Safe Assignment

To be honest, Safe Assignment is really a easy software to use, all you do is just "browse" select the file, upload and wait for around 10min before coming back for the results and report. It is a much easier way for the teachers to check how much the students have copied and at the same time allow the students the chance to judge themselves.

However, I do find out some bugs or disadvantages of this software. As this is already my second time using this, so I tried to delete all my reference and uploaded my file. Even though I get 33% match in the end, those matches are from the questions and lesson plan templete. This shows that it does not matter if I do reference or not as long the system does not find any match, it will not count it in.

Another finding is that, it seemed to be able to detect the parts that can match with websites. It is because that I did use some journals and books references but none of them come out in the match even I have deleted the citations in my essay.

According to my findings, I can say that this software is not really that perfect afterall, there still room for improvement. Unless my rephasing technique has already reached the superior level. hahaha

Of course there is no software that is perfect, afterall it is just a tool to help us to save time and effort.

Besides, I do not think that having a same match will mean plagiarism. It really depends on each invidual case because I might have used the ideas from my own blog and thus come out as a match, so does that mean I plagiaris ?? Even there is a match with other people's blogs, cannot it be possible that 2 of us are thinking the same thing? Therefore, I think other than looking at the matching percentages, teachers also have to look at what are the sentences that having the match because some of them are really common ideas.


dun tell u said...


Happy CNY

Glad that you found it easy, bcoz to me, it is quite hostile. Haha..probably this is one of the advantage of getting into poly.

Anyway, agree with you that the figure is not a clear indicator of plagiarism.


Anonymous said...


yep,I also agreed SA also have it disadvantages.It can only detect similar sentences,without committing those common points which anyone can think off.Therefore i think this can be a point which can be work on to improve this tool!=]

haha anyway HAppY ChineSe new year!

chun hui

Anonymous said...


I think everyone will say that SA has its limitations. But I guess you may be right in saying that two people may be thinking of the same idea but to a computer's mind they think, 'what are the odds?' Yeah, and i pretty much hate the fact that i still have a 20% when all the highlighted plagiarism are the Questions. So i think the word count plays a part too. Imagine if this was a 500 word essay.. (the % will shoot right up!)

Unknown said...


Your paraphrasing must really be good. Just kidding.

Anyway, I feel that Safe Assignment matches assignments to its database only. Even if you lift a sentence from a very famous book, if the book is not found in the database, then it will not be matched.

So, SA is not fullproof. It has its short comings.


P@/v\3L@ said...

Happy chinese New year.

Arhss ya another one who thinks that SA has its short comings. But don't forget to appreciate the convineince (and probably some trouble) it has brought us.

One very clear advantage, we sure have improved our paraphrasing skills after the invention of SA. lol


moonbeams_n_stardust said...

Aha! So Safe Assignment really does NOT detect books and materials in print. I guess it probably wouldn't be very useful for subjects like our Ed Psychology last sem, since I used quite a lot of books as references =)

Anonymous said...


I agree with u that the SA tool is really not very complete. It detects sentences that have not been plagiarised yet omits references from some sources like u said. Seems like most of us have come upon this point :)

Happy CNY!

Anonymous said...


since SA has so many limitations, do you think it should still be used by teachers? What else can be done to prevent or reduce plagiarism?


-HER- said...
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-HER- said...

hmm interesting qn by xiaoshan..

i think it can be still used by teachers as a 'stepping stone' to find out whether there is any plagiarism.

but i think of course the best way to prevent and reduce plagiarism is to educate our students on the importance of respecting individuals' works and making their own stand instead of blatantly plagiarising the works of others. In some way, it is like stopping piracy too!

anw, Chien Chi.. you did point out that Safe Assignment has rooms for improvements..perhaps you could share further thoughts on the kinds of improvements you wish to see for Safe Assignment


♡ 진 시 립 said...

Hey ! Hiiiii...

Oh yeah ! Good question posed by Priya. I heard from my friends that, students from local polytechnics have to come up with ways they think they could further improve SA, as their final- year - project. Maybe, in the near future, they would come up with something new?


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