Monday, May 23, 2005

tml ... i will have to work again

kind of tired of this kind of shift work ... 24hrs work 48hrs off sounded so good at 1st .. but now then i realised that not slping at night is actually a suffering for me ... i rather do office hr work now ...

last night .... the usual gang gathered at my home except for the poor boy, weili who was somewhere in the sea ... but we did not have steamboat as wat we had planned to have ... instead we just bought the food from down stairs ... and they said ... the food r nt nice at all ... well well ....i have nothing to say ... actually i have been missing the home cook food lately ... guess i have been eating outside food for a long time ... especially the malay food ...i think some of my friends will start to laugh at me when they see this .... well .. i got no choice ma .. unless u people want to bring the food to me to my station

emm ... think need to go to bed lor ... need to work tml .....

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