Wednesday, July 13, 2005

This afternoon .. just when i was enjoying my rare precious off day .. i got a stunning sms from my supervisior ... which said

Lo ... the commander has rejected ur drill report .. can u go back to station and change it now

how stunning it was ... not because i had to go back and do it again ... its because my report was rejected !!! ... oh ... on the way back to station .. i kept thinking wat went wrong ...and guess wat ... the answer was even more stunning to me ...

just wen i opened up the email that commander sent to me ... he said

thank you for the report ... however, its not the format i am looking for .. its too task specific .. lack of depth and width ....

arg ..... the format was given by my fellow enciks ... and its already my 2nd time submitting the report ... if its not the format u r looking for ... why did u wait for so long then mention it !! i was totally feel like being cheated ... very much hurt .. woo woo ~~~

anyway .. just feel being cheated ... i am just too innocent ...believe that the format given by others r always correct ...

just saw the message left by zilan and penny ... feel so touched ... even though penny ask me not to think too much ... but i am still very touched ... haha .... thank u guys !!!!

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